I have organized the following.
- fmt %T : a Go-syntax representation of the type of the value
- reflect.TypeOf.String()
- reflect.TypeOf.Kind()
- type assertions
package _test
import (
func TestType(t *testing.T) {
type Person struct {
name string
var i interface{}
i = &Person{"Carson"}
for idx, d := range []struct {
actual interface{}
expected interface{}
{fmt.Sprintf("%T", "Hello") == "string", true},
{reflect.TypeOf("string").String() == "string", true},
{reflect.TypeOf("string").Kind() == reflect.String, true},
{reflect.TypeOf(10).String() == "int", true},
{reflect.TypeOf(10).Kind() == reflect.Int, true},
{fmt.Sprintf("%T", 1.2) == "float64", true},
{reflect.TypeOf(1.2).String() == "float64", true},
{reflect.TypeOf(1.2).Kind() == reflect.Float64, true},
{reflect.TypeOf([]byte{3}).String() == "[]uint8", true},
{reflect.TypeOf([]byte{3}).Kind() == reflect.Slice, true},
{reflect.TypeOf([]int8{3}).String() == "[]int8", true},
{reflect.TypeOf([]int8{3}).Kind() == reflect.Slice, true},
{reflect.TypeOf(Person{"carson"}).Kind() == reflect.Struct, true},
{reflect.TypeOf(&Person{"carson"}).Kind() == reflect.Ptr, true},
{fmt.Sprintf("%v", i.(*Person)) == "&{Carson}", true},
{fmt.Sprintf("%+v", i.(*Person)) == "&{name:Carson}", true},
} {
if d.actual != d.expected {
t.Fatalf("%d | %s", idx, d.actual)
go playground
fmt.Printf("%T\n", var)
– Guan