I am trying to use environ to access environment variables specified in my project.clj :dev profile. This looks like a nice way to set up different configuration options, but I can't seem to get it to work. My project.clj entry looks like this:
{:dev {:dependencies [[javax.servlet/servlet-api "2.5"]
[ring-mock "0.1.5"]]
:env {:foo "FOO" :bar "BAR"}}}
If I run lein repl
and require then enter (with in-ns
) a namespace from my project, environ.core/env
just returns nil:
(environ.core/env :foo)
Adding an :env entry to the :user profile in .lein/profiles.clj also doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?
do you see "FOO", or maybe "foo" or ":foo" as any of the keys? I notice that (env.core/env :pwd) returns the value referenced by the "PWD" key in my environment for example. – Kathleenkathlene