I've been learning python for about 3 weeks now, and I'm currently trying to write a little script for sorting files (about 10.000) by keywords and date appearing in the filename. Files before a given date should be added to an archive. The sorting works fine, but not the archiving
It creates an archive - the name is fine - but in the archive is the complete path to the files.
If i open it, it looks like: folder1 -> folder2 -> folder3 -> files
How can I change it such that the archive only contains the files and not the whole structure?
Below is a snippet with my zip function, node
is the path where the files were before sorting, folder
is a subfolder with the files sorted by a keyword in the name, items
are the folders with files sorted by date.
I am using Python 2.6
def ZipFolder(node, zipdate):
xynode = node + '/xy'
yznode = node + '/yz'
for folder in [xynode,yznode]:
items = os.listdir(folder)
for item in items:
itemdate = re.findall('(?<=_)\d\d\d\d-\d\d', item)
print item
if itemdate[0] <= zipdate:
arcname = str(item) + '.zip'
x = zipfile.ZipFile(folder + '/' + arcname, mode='w', compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
files = os.listdir(folder + '/' + item)
for f in files:
x.write(folder + '/' + item + '/' + f)
print 'writing ' + str(folder + '/' + item + '/' + f) + ' in ' + str(item)
shutil.rmtree(folder + '/' + item)
I am also open to any suggestions and improvements.