I have Azure SDK 1.6, WIF, Nuget 1.5, Azure Mobile Toolkik, Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 sp1, Windows Phone SDK 7.1 and many other latest sdk. I tried two sample, the Tweet your blob from azure toolkit for wp7, and the following very basic sample from channel 9: http://channel9.msdn.com/posts/Windows-Phone-Push-Notifications-and-Windows-Azure I can reach the webrole, i see the phone app running but both sample fail when the try to communicate (in the first case trying to tweet, in the second trying to register to the pushnotification service, it seems like the emulator cannot reach the local endpoint on I repeated the same exactly steps on a collegue machine with the same configuration and everything works fine.
The only difference i noticed is that my deployment show the following log (Compute Emulator):
[MonAgentHost] Error: MA EVENT: 2011-12-01T01:11:02.168Z
[MonAgentHost] Error: 2
[MonAgentHost] Error: 10352
[MonAgentHost] Error: 14592
[MonAgentHost] Error: NetTransport
[MonAgentHost] Error: 0
[MonAgentHost] Error: x:\btsdx\215\services\monitoring\shared\nettransport\src\netutils.cpp
[MonAgentHost] Error: OpenHttpSession
[MonAgentHost] Error: 749
[MonAgentHost] Error: 0
[MonAgentHost] Error: 2f94
[MonAgentHost] Error:
[MonAgentHost] Error: WinHttpGetProxyForUrl( failed ERROR_WINHTTP_AUTODETECTION_FAILED (12180)
Googling around i found only a topics regarding an issue with the azure sdk 1.3 which shouldn't prevent the application from running properly, but i installed sdk 1.6 (twice).
Any hints to find a solution or identify the problem will be appreciated, i checked everything i could, and i don't even known if the problem is related with the message.