Update 2, (six years later)
I happened to stumble across this again and realized how much simpler this can be with a little ES6 destructuring and a straightforward recursion:
const makeForest = (id, xs) =>
xs .filter (({parent}) => parent == id)
.map (({id, parent, ...rest}) => ({id, ...rest, children: makeForest (id, xs)}))
var flat = [{id: 1, name: "Business", parent: 0}, {id: 2, name: "Management", parent: 1}, {id: 3, name: "Leadership", parent: 2}, {id: 4, name: "Finance", parent: 1}, {id: 5, name: "Fiction", parent: 0}, {id: 6, name: "Accounting", parent: 1}, {id: 7, name: "Project Management", parent: 2}];
console .log (
makeForest (0, flat)
.as-console-wrapper {min-height: 100% !important; top: 0}
Note the name change. We're not making a tree, but an entire forest of trees, with each direct child of the root its own node. It would be relatively trivial to change this to generate a tree, if you had a structure to use for the root. Also note that this will let us find the tree rooted at any id. It doesn't have to be the overall root.
This does, as you worried about, have a worst-case performance of O(n^2)
. The actual run time is something like O(n * p)
where p is the number of distinct parent nodes in the list. So we only approach the worst case when we have a tree nearly as deep as the length of the list. I would use something like this unless and until I could show that it was a hot spot in my code. My guess is that I would never find a need to replace it.
Never count out recursion. This is significantly simpler than any of the other answers here, including my two versions below.
Update 1
I was not happy with extra complexity in my original solution. I'm adding another version that reduces that complexity. It manages to build the data in a single pass. It also gives one the chance to restructure the records in the trees differently from their original format if necessary. (By default, it only removes the parent
Updated Version
Available on JSFiddle.
var makeTree = (function() {
var defaultClone = function(record) {
var newRecord = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(record));
delete newRecord.parent;
return newRecord;
return function(flat, clone) {
return flat.reduce(function(data, record) {
var oldRecord = data.catalog[record.id];
var newRecord = (clone || defaultClone)(record);
if (oldRecord && oldRecord.children) {
newRecord.children = oldRecord.children;
data.catalog[record.id] = newRecord;
if (record.parent) {
var parent = data.catalog[record.parent] =
(data.catalog[record.parent] || {id: record.parent});
(parent.children = parent.children || []).push(newRecord);
} else {
return data;
}, {catalog: {}, tree: []}).tree;
Note that this will work regardless of the order of the flat list -- the parent nodes do not have to precede their children -- although there is nothing in here to sort the nodes.
Original Version
My solution (also on JSFiddle):
var makeTree = (function() {
var isArray = function(obj) {return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) == "[object Array]"; };
var clone = function(obj) {return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));};
var buildTree = function(catalog, structure, start) {
return (structure[start] || []).map(function(id, index) {
var record = catalog[id];
var keys = structure[start][index];
var children = isArray(keys) ? keys.map(function(key) {
return buildTree(catalog, structure, key);
}) : buildTree(catalog, structure, keys);
if (children.length) {
record.children = children;
return record;
return function(flat) {
var catalog = flat.reduce(function(catalog, record) {
catalog[record.id] = clone(record);
return catalog;
}, {});
var structure = flat.reduce(function(tree, record) {
(tree[record.parent] = tree[record.parent] || []).push(record.id);
return tree;
}, {});
return buildTree(catalog, structure, 0); // this might be oversimplified.
, it looks like a theoretical subject but maybe I can follow along with a real JavaScript example. @Ennis I already have aparent
property, representing the parent ID of the parent category. Or do you mean something else? – Rhodos