Stream<String> a = Stream.of("one", "three", "five");
Stream<String> b = Stream.of("two", "four", "six");
What do I need to do for the output to be the below?
// one
// two
// three
// four
// five
// six
I looked into concat
but as the javadoc explains, it just appends one after the other, it does not interleave / intersperse.
Stream<String> out = Stream.concat(a, b);
Creates a lazily concatenated stream whose elements are all the elements of the first stream followed by all the elements of the second stream.
Wrongly gives
// one
// three
// five
// two
// four
// six
Could do it if I collected them and iterated, but was hoping for something more Java8-y, Streamy :-)
I don't want to zip the streams
“zip” operation will take an element from each collection and combine them.
the result of a zip operation would be something like this: (unwanted)
// onetwo
// threefour
// fivesix
function from the aforementioned dupe one could doStream<String> result = zip(a, b, (e, z) -> Stream.of(e, z)).flatMap(x -> x);
to get the result you want above. – Maddoxinterleave
method which essentially wraps thezip
method to improve readability et al. I've voted to reopen, so you could post that here instead of externally... – Maddox