I just snagged the latest Kohana 3.3, and here's a link to help see why PDO isn't natively supported with ORM: http://dev.kohanaframework.org/issues/3412
There is no agnostic way to implement listing tables and columns.
So, uh I took a moment to try to support it since describing every table sounded like a lot of work, though that answer is appreciated!
So, in your MODPATH or APPPATH (depending on where you load your database stuff) make a new file at %above%/classes/Database/PDO/MySQL.php
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
class Database_PDO_MySQL extends Database_PDO {
public function list_columns($table, $like = NULL, $add_prefix = TRUE)
// Quote the table name
$table = ($add_prefix === TRUE) ? $this->quote_table($table) : $table;
if (is_string($like))
// Search for column names
$result = $this->query(Database::SELECT, 'SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM '.$table.' LIKE '.$this->quote($like), FALSE);
// Find all column names
$result = $this->query(Database::SELECT, 'SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM '.$table, FALSE);
$count = 0;
$columns = array();
foreach ($result as $row)
list($type, $length) = $this->_parse_type($row['Type']);
$column = $this->datatype($type);
$column['column_name'] = $row['Field'];
$column['column_default'] = $row['Default'];
$column['data_type'] = $type;
$column['is_nullable'] = ($row['Null'] == 'YES');
$column['ordinal_position'] = ++$count;
switch ($type) //was $column['type']
case 'float':
if (isset($length))
list($column['numeric_precision'], $column['numeric_scale']) = explode(',', $length);
case 'int':
if (isset($length))
// MySQL attribute
$column['display'] = $length;
case 'string':
switch ($column['data_type'])
case 'binary':
case 'varbinary':
$column['character_maximum_length'] = $length;
case 'char':
case 'varchar':
$column['character_maximum_length'] = $length;
case 'text':
case 'tinytext':
case 'mediumtext':
case 'longtext':
$column['collation_name'] = $row['Collation'];
case 'enum':
case 'set':
$column['collation_name'] = $row['Collation'];
$column['options'] = explode('\',\'', substr($length, 1, -1));
// MySQL attributes
$column['comment'] = $row['Comment'];
$column['extra'] = $row['Extra'];
$column['key'] = $row['Key'];
$column['privileges'] = $row['Privileges'];
$columns[$row['Field']] = $column;
return $columns;
What this is really, is me copying the %MODPATH%/database/classes/Kohana/databases/MySQL.php list_column and doing one tweak ($type instead of $column['type']) and it appears to work the little bit I've tested so far.
SECOND, you need to use the new driver. This is done by changing your %path%/database/config/database.php 'type' field from PDO to PDO_MySQL.
Let me know if this isn't clear, or if you see issues.