I am using pypandoc to convert a markdown file to LaTex. My markdown file has a header, for example:
# Header Text #
When pypandoc renders the file as a .tex file, this appears as:
\section{Header Text}\label{header-text}}
While this is a nice feature to make it easy to link back to section headers, I don't necessarily want that and would prefer in this case for pypandoc to just generate:
\section{Header Text}
Is there a pandoc setting, or a pypandoc setting, that can be used to turn off the \hypertarget{} feature? I have reviewed the documentation for pandoc and didn't see it anywhere.
over the more complete version? The\hypertarget{}
shouldn't give any problems AFAIK. – Aksoynsed
e.g. – Lathan\section{}
command is that is more readable for human beings and latex editors. When LaTeX is only the intermediate step between markdown and the PDF format, all this code is OK. When LaTeX is the goal and you do not want links sections very often, this is very annoying noising code. – Rabush\hypertarget
should be unnecessary, especially since it's also emitting\label
to specify the label already. (see tex.stackexchange.com/questions/180571/…) – Tatiana