When i read the documentation about visibilityTimeout: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-bindings-storage-queue#host-json it says "The time interval between retries when processing of a message fails.". How I understands this is that if the timeout is set to 30 seconds and my function runs for 1 minute but doesn't fail in that 1 minute period, the message doesn't get visible to others in the queue. But when I read up on it by others sources (stackoverflow fx) it tells me the opposite, that when the execution time of the function exceeds the timeout, the message becomes visible EVEN though the function is still processing the message.
What is the truth? Is the timeout only relevant when the function isn't running more (and maybe have failed) or can it happen that the message gets visible again even though the function is still running?
What doesn't makes sense either, if we assume that the message gets visible when timeout is reached, is that the default timeout is 00:00:00 which implies that the message is visible at the same moment it is dequeued. This contradicts what 3. party sources is saying.
I am a bit confused by this.