Known issue:
Installing google-cloud-sdk (linux package or from tarball) has a quirk where you cannot create projects from the command line before accepting the terms of service.
Steps to reproduce:
- Download sdk, untar, move folder to home directory and add google sdk root directory to PATH using
- Initialize and login with: $ google init
- Create a project from the CL: $ gcloud projects create --set-as-default
This will spit out an error like:
ERROR: (gcloud.projects.create) Operation [cp.5641973328385684887] failed: 9: Callers must accept Terms of Service
I hazard a guess that accepting the terms of service have not been built into the command line initialization yet. Omitting such a fundamental step to an installation process should be illegal, with consequences ranging from death by a thousand key-stokes, to 'build an operating system in headfuck'... but that's just me...