I have a worker thread that I want to do one bit of its task, then pause & wait for the "ok, continue" command from another thread, then pause & wait, etc.
The use case is: the controlling object is a view that I want to display information about what's going on inside the worker-thread, and allow me to "single-step" through the worker as it does it's thing.
The rather ugly and heavy-handed thing that I have in my worker is this:
paused = YES;
while (paused)
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.25];
NSLog(@".. continuing");
...But I can't help but think that there must be a nicer way, perhaps involving NSLocks, or some such.
Comments, hints suggestions?
, where you do something like[condition lockWhenCondition: suppliesAvailable]; mySupplies = [supplyQueue contents]; [supplyQueue removeAllSupplies]; [condition unlockWithCondition: noSuppliesAvailable]; // spend mySupplies as desired
is a very useful pattern. In my case, rather than partySupplies, I have it as data that needs processing. QED. – Gibson