I have tried all the previous solutions, it doesn't work with me very well...
However, I have created this solution and it works with me on all the styles
attr_accessor :avatar_update_file_name
has_attached_file :avatar,
:styles => {
:medium => "288x288#",
:small => "150x150#",
:thumb => "48x48#"
:path => YOUR_PATH + ":style/:basename.:extension",
:url => YOUR_PATH + ":style/:filename",
preserve_files: true
process_in_background :avatar, only_process: [:medium, :small, :thumb, :original]
after_save :rename_avatars
def rename_avatars
if self.avatar_update_file_name == true
new_file_hash = "#{SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64}"
new_file_name = ""
(self.avatar.styles.keys+[:original]).each do |style|
path = avatar.path(style)
File.chmod(0777, File.dirname(path))
new_file_name = "#{new_file_hash}.#{extension}"
FileUtils.move(path, File.join(File.dirname(path), new_file_name))
self.avatar_update_file_name = false
self.avatar_file_name = new_file_name
This will loop on your style every time you save your object and you set avatar_update_file_name = true
for one time per object call and it will update your records
for example, your class name is "Avatars"
avatar = new Avatars
#... upload and work with files
avatar.avatar_update_file_name = true
This will invoke the make the file rename charm!
Note: you can use this "before_save" but the problem is the paperclip might not create this files on the filesystem
Hope this will helps