One of the corner stones of OOP is reusing code instead of repeat it over and over. Thus, your projects shorten and get more readable.
C++ gives you all the tools you need to reuse methods instead of repeating the code. Although when it comes to constructors I do not know how to reuse them.
I am not talking of heritage or how to send a message to the father. I am talking about reusing the constructor of the class itself.
The analogy in JAVA is something like this:
public Foo() {
this(0,0,0);//Not needed in this case, just to clarify
public Foo(Foo f){
this(f.getA(), f.getB(), f.getC());
public Foo(int a, int b, int c) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.c = c;
My question is, is there any syntaxis in C++ that allows you to do so?