In case anyone looking for in depth answer, please check this, here we have the following way to create or get the viewModel object:
val myViewModel1 = ViewModelProvider(this, ViewModelProvider.NewInstanceFactory()).get(
myViewModel2 = ViewModelProvider.AndroidViewModelFactory(this.application).create(
val myViewModel3 = ViewModelProvider(this).get(
val myViewModel4: MyViewModel by viewModels()
val myViewModel5 by viewModels<MyViewModel>()
All do the same thing, the only two key differences is:
- The viewModel initialisation with lazy loading and without lazy loading.
- The viewModel with multiple parameter and no parameters.
Lets see this wrt the lazy loading and without lazy loading
, the first three are without the delegate by
that means there is no lazy loading of that object, so it's the developer
responsibility to create the viewModel object only when activity is created or the fragment is attached to the activity, that means the first three approach(1, 2, 3) can't be
used at global scope, if used at global scope the variable must be
a var with lateint
or null initialisation, and the
initialisation(approach 1, 2, 3) must happen in the onCreate or
onViewCreated(in case of fragment).
Therefor the best way to create the viewModel object is using the delegate by
(4, 5), both are same with a bit different syntax, I choose 4 because of it's simplicity and readability.
val myViewModel4: MyViewModel by viewModels()
The by
delegate gives the flexibility to lazy load the instance and you can define the viewModel at global scope and get ride off the boilerplate code, if you try to initialise the viewModel at global scope without the delegate the app will crash since the viewModel will try to initialise before the activity is created(it will not lazy load the viewModel instance).
Now let's see how to lazy load with multiple parameters, the 6th
approach not mention in the question.
If you have multiple parameters in your view model and not using any dependency injection, you can use a ViewModelFactory implementation and then lazy load it:
val myViewModelWithParm: MyViewModel by viewModels { MyViewModelFactory(application, "param1", "param2") }
ViewModelFactory implementation:
class MyViewModelFactory(val application: Application, val param1: String, val param2: String) :
ViewModelProvider.Factory {
override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
return MyViewModel(application, param1, param2) as T
Till this point we are clear on the delegate initialisation(4, 5), and how it is different with(1, 2, 3) now let's see the difference on the top 3 approach(1, 2, 3).
Let's first check 1 and 2.
val myViewModel1 = ViewModelProvider(this, ViewModelProvider.NewInstanceFactory()).get(
myViewModel2 = ViewModelProvider.AndroidViewModelFactory(this.application).create(
The key difference in them is one uses ViewModelProvider.NewInstanceFactory
and other uses ViewModelProvider.AndroidViewModelFactory
, so I checked the source code of both the classes and found that ViewModelProvider.AndroidViewModelFactory
is actually the implementation of ViewModelProvider.NewInstanceFactory
which override the create
function that means both are doing the same stuff, preferable both approach should be chosen if we want multiple parameters however for that we have to override ViewModelProvider.NewInstanceFactory
to create our own factory like it's done here
Now comes the third one:
val myViewModel3 = ViewModelProvider(this).get(
This is the simple form of 1 and 2 when we don't have multiple parameters in our ViewModel and don't want to lazy load the object.
Note: I highly recommend the approach 4 or 5(both are same with different syntax), since this is the most suitable and optimal to write, if you don't have multiple arguments, in case you have multiple arguments you can use the approach 6 mentioned in the answer by implementing ViewModelProvider.Factory
val myViewModel4: MyViewModel by viewModels()
is the beat way. – Depew