If you use args and give less values on running the file it will show you this error.
**To rectify that give correct values **
from sys import argv
one, two, three,four,five = argv
c=input("Enter the coffee you need?: ")
print("File Name is ",one)
print("First you need ",two)
print("The you need",three)
print("Last you need",four)
print("Last but not least you need",five)
print(f"you need above mentioned items to make {c}.")
While running code give it like this: **python hm5.py milk coffeepowder sugar water**
milk == two
coffeepowder ==three
sugar == four
water == five
one == file name (you don't need to give it while running
My output:
Enter the coffee you need?: filter coffee
First you need milk
The you need coffeepowder
Last you need sugar
Last but not least you need water
you need above mentioned items to make filter coffee.