I'm new to extjs and I'm using the MVC architecture.
When my application references a method of a controller, I do it that way (in MyApp.Application
It is already long, but I think this is the way to do.
When a controller calls it's own method in a closure, I was led to use this code (in MyApp.controller.Main
controllerMethodOne: function(){
url: ...,
params: ...,
success: (function(response){
list = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
Ext.create('Ext.menu.Item', {
text: item.text,
handler: function(el){MyApp.app.getController('Main').controllerMethodTwo()}
I referenced the method with MyApp.app.getController('Main').controllerMethodTwo()
because this
is not refering to the controller object in the closure, and thus this..controllerMethodTwo()
isn't working.
I find this utterly convoluted, and I hope someone has an idea to get around that MyApp.app.getController
Thanks to all the suggestion I could optimize my code and came up with:
// in my controller
mixins: ['Mb.controller.mixin.StoreMenu'],
// I use that style of menus in two controllers thats why I use a mixin
init: function() {
'#vg_storeMenu menuitem': {
click: this.onStoreMenuClicked
// the controller mixin
Ext.define('Mb.controller.mixin.StoreMenu', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
buildStoreMenu: function(store_name){
var storeMenu = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#' + store_name + 'Menu')[0];
url: Paths.ajax + 'json.php',
params: {list: store_name + 's'},
success: (function(response){
list = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
items = Ext.Array.map(list, function(item) {
return {
xtype: 'menuitem',
text: item.text
onStoreMenuClicked: function(el){