Warning: This is just an extension of the right answer made by Zuzana.
My reputation does not allow me to comment so I am making this answer just to answer the question of Adit Sanghvi above: "How do you do it when you have a list of documents?"
First you need to create a list with the text of the documents
Then you join the text lists in just one document
now you use the spacy parser to transform the text document in a Spacy document
You use the Zuzana's answer's to create de bigrams
This is the example code:
Step 1
doc1 = ['all what i want is that you give me back my code because i worked a lot on it. Just give me back my code']
doc2 = ['how are you? i am just showing you an example of how to make bigrams on spacy. We love bigrams on spacy']
doc3 = ['i love to repeat phrases to make bigrams because i love make bigrams']
listOfDocuments = [doc1,doc2,doc3]
textList = [''.join(textList) for text in listOfDocuments for textList in text]
This will print this text:
['all what i want is that you give me back my code because i worked a lot on it. Just give me back my code', 'how are you? i am just showing you an example of how to make bigrams on spacy. We love bigrams on spacy', 'i love to repeat phrases to make bigrams because i love make bigrams']
then step 2 and 3:
doc = ' '.join(textList)
spacy_doc = parser(doc)
and will print this:
all what i want is that you give me back my code because i worked a lot on it. Just give me back my code how are you? i am just showing you an example of how to make bigrams on spacy. We love bigrams on spacy i love to repeat phrases to make bigrams because i love make bigrams
Finally step 4 (Zuzana's answer)
ngrams = list(textacy.extract.ngrams(spacy_doc, 2, min_freq=2))
will print this:
[make bigrams, make bigrams, make bigrams]