I'm trying to test a login component. Specifically that it redirects on a successful login. It works fine when testing it manually. But in my test it never does the redirect and it can therefor not find the "Logout" link:
test('successfully logs the in the user', async () => {
const fakeUserResponse = {success: true, token: 'fake_user_token'}
jest.spyOn(window, 'fetch').mockImplementationOnce(() => {
return Promise.resolve({
json: () => Promise.resolve(fakeUserResponse),
const { getByText, getByLabelText, findByTestId } = render(<Router><Login /></Router>)
fireEvent.change(getByLabelText(/email/i), {target: {value: '[email protected]'}})
fireEvent.change(getByLabelText(/password/i), {target: {value: 'password1234'}})
await waitForElement(() => getByText(/logout/i));
I'm redirecting with react-router
version 4, like so:
{state.resolved ? <Redirect to="/" /> : null}
Am I going about this the wrong way?
afterAll(() => { jest.unmock('react-router-dom'); });
– Burner