I am working on a program and need ot know how I would read a specific entry to the Windows Event Log based on a Record number, which this script will already have. Below is the code I have been working with, but I don't want to loop through all of the events until I find the one I'm looking for. Any ideas?
import win32evtlog
server = 'localhost' # name of the target computer to get event logs
logtype = 'System'
hand = win32evtlog.OpenEventLog(server,logtype)
total = win32evtlog.GetNumberOfEventLogRecords(hand)
while True:
events = win32evtlog.ReadEventLog(hand, flags,0)
if events:
for event in events:
if event.EventID == "27035":
print 'Event Category:', event.EventCategory
print 'Time Generated:', event.TimeGenerated
print 'Source Name:', event.SourceName
print 'Event ID:', event.EventID
print 'Event Type:', event.EventType
data = event.StringInserts
if data:
print 'Event Data:'
for msg in data:
print msg
when you're done. – Salem