I have a JSON document that I would like to convert to Avro and need a schema to be specified for that purpose. Here is the JSON document for which I would like to define the avro schema:
"uid": 29153333,
"somefield": "somevalue",
"options": [
"item1_lvl2": "a",
"item2_lvl2": [
"item1_lvl3": "x1",
"item2_lvl3": "y1"
"item1_lvl3": "x2",
"item2_lvl3": "y2"
I'm able to define the schema for the non-complex types but not for the complex "options" field:
"namespace" : "my.com.ns",
"type" : "record",
"fields" : [
{"name": "uid", "type": "int"},
{"name": "somefield", "type": "string"}
{"name": "options", "type": .....}
Thanks for the help!