I have the following concrete Animal
products: Dog
and Cat
I am using a parameterized Factory method to create said products. Depending on the AnimalInfo
parameter that is passed to the Factory method, a concrete product will be created. The mapping logic is placed in the Factory method.
Here is my code:
public abstract class AnimalInfo
public abstract String Sound { get; }
public class DogInfo : AnimalInfo
public override string Sound
get { return "Bark"; }
public class CatInfo : AnimalInfo
public override string Sound
get { return "Meow"; }
public abstract class Animal
public abstract void Talk();
public class Dog : Animal
private readonly DogInfo _info;
public Dog(DogInfo aInfo)
_info = aInfo;
public override void Talk()
public class Cat : Animal
private readonly CatInfo _info;
public Cat(CatInfo aInfo)
_info = aInfo;
public override void Talk()
Here's my Factory method with its logic:
public static class AnimalFactory
public static Animal CreateAnimal(AnimalInfo aInfo)
if (aInfo is DogInfo)
return new Dog(aInfo as DogInfo);
if (aInfo is CatInfo)
return new Cat(aInfo as CatInfo);
return null;
The problem I'm seeing here is that the Factory method itself violates the Open/Closed principle in such a way that if I add a new Animal, I will need to modify the Factory method to reflect the new mapping.
Is there a way to make the creation more "dynamic" via reflection? More importantly, is there any anti-pattern in my design?
intended to be unique per product, or per instance of product? – Bathelda