When you use the POISSON function in Excel (or in OpenOffice Calc), it takes two arguments:
- an integer
- an 'average' number
and returns a float.
In Python (I tried RandomArray and NumPy) it returns an array of random poisson numbers. What I really want is the percentage that this event will occur (it is a constant number and the array has every time different numbers - so is it an average?).
for example:
print poisson(2.6,6)
returns [1 3 3 0 1 3]
(and every time I run it, it's different).
The number I get from calc/excel is 3.19 (POISSON(6,2.16,0)*100
Am I using the python's poisson wrong (no pun!) or am I missing something?
from scipy.stats import poisson
thenpoisson.pmf(6, 2.6)
= 0.031867055625524499 – Naoma