You want table.remove
local t = {1,2,3,4}
local head = table.remove(t,1)
print( head )
--> 1
print( #t )
--> 3
print( t[1] )
--> 2
As @daurnimator points out, this requires a lot of effort by the underlying implementation of arrays in the Lua runtime, shifting all the table elements. If you can instead represent your arrays backwards, calling the last item in the array head
, then the call to table.remove()
will be a cheap pop:
local t = {4,3,2,1}
local head = table.remove(t)
--> 1
print( #t )
--> 3
print( t[#t] )
--> 2
Alternatively, you may choose to represent your sequence of elements as a linked list. In this case, popping an item off the head of the list is also a cheap operation (but pushing one onto the end is not, unless you keep track of the 'tail' in your list):
local setm,getm = setmetatable,getmetatable
local linkedlist=setm({__index={
tail = function(l) while do end return l end, -- N.B. O(n)!
push = function(l,v,t) t=l:tail(){val=v},getm(l)) return t end,
cram = function(l,v) return setm({val=v,rest=l},getm(l)) end,
each = function(l,v)
return function() if l then v,l=l.val, return v end end
}},{ __call=function(lmeta,v,...)
local head,tail=setm({val=v},lmeta) tail=head
for i,v in ipairs{...} do tail=tail:push(v) end
return head
end })
local numbers = linkedlist(1,2,3,4)
for n in numbers:each() do print(n) end
--> 1
--> 2
--> 3
--> 4
local head,rest = numbers.val,
--> 1
for n in rest:each() do print(n) end
--> 2
--> 3
--> 4
local unrest = rest:cram('99')
for n in unrest:each() do print(n) end
--> 99
--> 2
--> 3
--> 4
Note in particular that
local head,rest = numbers.val,
does not modify any data structures but just gives you a rest
handle on a particular link in the chain.