You can buy third-party software that will do this for you, but I've never felt the need for that. Instead, I wrote a couple of procedures that will do this. They require a reference to DAO.
The first one (SearchQueries) searches the text of queries only and runs quite fast. The second (SearchDB) searches forms, macros, queries, reports, and code. It takes a bit longer but is very thorough. The usage should be pretty self-explanatory but ask questions if you're unsure of anything.
Here's the full text of the procedures:
Sub SearchQueries(SearchText As String, _
Optional ShowSQL As Boolean = False, _
Optional QryName As String = "*")
On Error Resume Next
Dim QDef As QueryDef
For Each QDef In CurrentDb.QueryDefs
If QDef.Name Like QryName Then
If InStr(QDef.SQL, SearchText) > 0 Then
Debug.Print QDef.Name
If ShowSQL Then Debug.Print QDef.SQL & vbCrLf
End If
End If
Next QDef
End Sub
'Updated: 1/19/09 Limit search by object name pattern
Sub SearchDB(SearchText As String, _
Optional ObjType As AcObjectType = acDefault, _
Optional ObjName As String = "*")
Dim db As Database, obj As AccessObject, Ctl As Control, Prop As Property
Dim Frm As Form, Rpt As Report, mdl As Module
Dim objLoaded As Boolean, Found As Boolean, Instances As Long
Dim SLine As Long, SCol As Long, ELine As Long, ECol As Long
On Error GoTo Err_SearchDB
Set db = CurrentDb
Application.Echo False
'Search queries
If ObjType = acDefault Or ObjType = acQuery Then
Debug.Print "Queries:"
SearchQueries SearchText, False, ObjName
Debug.Print vbCrLf
End If
'Search forms
If ObjType = acDefault Or ObjType = acForm Then
Debug.Print "Forms:"
On Error Resume Next
For Each obj In CurrentProject.AllForms
If obj.Name Like ObjName Then
objLoaded = obj.IsLoaded
If Not obj.IsLoaded Then DoCmd.OpenForm obj.Name, acDesign, , , , acHidden
Set Frm = Application.Forms(obj.Name)
For Each Prop In Frm.Properties
If InStr(Prop.Value, SearchText) > 0 Then
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Debug.Print "Form: " & Frm.Name & _
" Property: " & Prop.Name & _
" Value: " & Prop.Value
End If
End If
Next Prop
If Frm.HasModule Then
SLine = 0: SCol = 0: ELine = 0: ECol = 0: Instances = 0
Found = Frm.Module.Find(SearchText, SLine, SCol, ELine, ECol)
Do Until Not Found
Instances = Instances + 1
SLine = ELine + 1: SCol = 0: ELine = 0: ECol = 0
Found = Frm.Module.Find(SearchText, SLine, SCol, ELine, ECol)
If Instances > 0 Then Debug.Print "Form: " & Frm.Name & _
" Module: " & Instances & " instances"
End If
For Each Ctl In Frm.Controls
For Each Prop In Ctl.Properties
If InStr(Prop.Value, SearchText) > 0 Then
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Debug.Print "Form: " & Frm.Name & _
" Control: " & Ctl.Name & _
" Property: " & Prop.Name & _
" Value: " & Prop.Value
End If
End If
Next Prop
Next Ctl
Set Frm = Nothing
If Not objLoaded Then DoCmd.Close acForm, obj.Name, acSaveNo
End If
Next obj
On Error GoTo Err_SearchDB
Debug.Print vbCrLf
End If
'Search modules
If ObjType = acDefault Or ObjType = acModule Then
Debug.Print "Modules:"
For Each obj In CurrentProject.AllModules
If obj.Name Like ObjName Then
objLoaded = obj.IsLoaded
If Not objLoaded Then DoCmd.OpenModule obj.Name
Set mdl = Application.Modules(obj.Name)
SLine = 0: SCol = 0: ELine = 0: ECol = 0: Instances = 0
Found = mdl.Find(SearchText, SLine, SCol, ELine, ECol)
Do Until Not Found
Instances = Instances + 1
SLine = ELine + 1: SCol = 0: ELine = 0: ECol = 0
Found = mdl.Find(SearchText, SLine, SCol, ELine, ECol)
If Instances > 0 Then Debug.Print obj.Name & ": " & Instances & " instances"
Set mdl = Nothing
If Not objLoaded Then DoCmd.Close acModule, obj.Name
End If
Next obj
Debug.Print vbCrLf
End If
'Search macros
If ObjType = acDefault Or ObjType = acMacro Then
'Debug.Print "Macros:"
'Debug.Print vbCrLf
End If
'Search reports
If ObjType = acDefault Or ObjType = acReport Then
Debug.Print "Reports:"
On Error Resume Next
For Each obj In CurrentProject.AllReports
If obj.Name Like ObjName Then
objLoaded = obj.IsLoaded
If Not obj.IsLoaded Then DoCmd.OpenReport obj.Name, acDesign
Set Rpt = Application.Reports(obj.Name)
For Each Prop In Rpt.Properties
If InStr(Prop.Value, SearchText) > 0 Then
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Debug.Print "Report: " & Rpt.Name & _
" Property: " & Prop.Name & _
" Value: " & Prop.Value
End If
End If
Next Prop
If Rpt.HasModule Then
SLine = 0: SCol = 0: ELine = 0: ECol = 0: Instances = 0
Found = Rpt.Module.Find(SearchText, SLine, SCol, ELine, ECol)
Do Until Not Found
Instances = Instances + 1
SLine = ELine + 1: SCol = 0: ELine = 0: ECol = 0
Found = Rpt.Module.Find(SearchText, SLine, SCol, ELine, ECol)
If Instances > 0 Then Debug.Print "Report: " & Rpt.Name & _
" Module: " & Instances & " instances"
End If
For Each Ctl In Rpt.Controls
For Each Prop In Ctl.Properties
If InStr(Prop.Value, SearchText) > 0 Then
Debug.Print "Report: " & Rpt.Name & _
" Control: " & Ctl.Name & _
" Property: " & Prop.Name & _
" Value: " & Prop.Value
End If
Next Prop
Next Ctl
Set Rpt = Nothing
If Not objLoaded Then DoCmd.Close acReport, obj.Name, acSaveNo
End If
Next obj
On Error GoTo Err_SearchDB
Debug.Print vbCrLf
End If
Application.Echo True
Exit Sub
Application.Echo True
Debug.Print Err.Description
Debug.Assert False
End Sub