Let's says I have the following entry in my seeds.rb
file :
Image.create(:id => 52, :asset_file_name => "somefile.jpg", :asset_file_size => 101668, :asset_content_type => "image/jpeg", :product_id => 52)
If I seed it, it tries to process the image specified, I get this error :
No such file or directory - {file path} etc...
My images are backed up, so I don't really need to create them; but I need the record though. I can't comment the paperclip directive in my model; then it works; but I guess there might be another solution.
Is there another pattern to follow in order to accomplish it ? Or a turnaround to tell paperclip not to process the image ?
instead of interpolating string.File.join(Rails.root, 'path', 'to', 'somefile.jpg')
– Workman