If you have a router running DD-WRT and have the status page in use when going to the router, you can, with a script... wget the status page, cat for the ip address and write it to a file for comparison, have an email send when the latest wget ip address has changed from what is in the comparison file.
I'm running dd-wrt on a linksys wrt54g router and use this script:
It wgets the router status page from, uses cat on the page (index.html) and greps for the wan ip address, then writes it to a file (gotip.txt).
A comparison is made between the captured ip (gotip.txt) and the current working ip (workingip.txt). If the ip addresses are different, I get an email sent by send mail of the new ip, and the new working ip is written into the workingip.txt file.
Cron run this every 5 min or so and I have the cron output silenced to /dev/null
cat index.html | grep "wan_ipaddr" > gotip.txt
gotip=$(cat gotip.txt)
compare=$(cat workingip.txt)
if [[ "$compare" != "$gotip" ]]
EMAIL="[email protected]"
echo "ip address is now $gotip" >> $EMAILMESSAGE
/usr/sbin/sendmail -t "$EMAIL" < $EMAILMESSAGE
rm ipmessage.txt
cp gotip.txt workingip.txt
rm index.html
echo "done"
rm index.html