How to convert datetime object to milliseconds
Asked Answered



I am parsing datetime values as follows:

df['actualDateTime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['actualDateTime'])

How can I convert this datetime objects to milliseconds?

I didn't see mention of milliseconds in the doc of to_datetime.

Update (Based on feedback): This is the current version of the code that provides error TypeError: Cannot convert input to Timestamp. The column Date3 must contain milliseconds (as a numeric equivalent of a datetime object).

import pandas as pd
import time

s1 = {'Date' : ['2015-10-20T07:21:00.000','2015-10-19T07:18:00.000','2015-10-19T07:15:00.000']}

df = pd.DataFrame(s1)

df['Date2'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])

t = pd.Timestamp(df['Date2'])

df['Date3'] = time.mktime(t.timetuple())

print df
Oocyte answered 2/11, 2015 at 12:29 Comment(4)
Paste some data df['actualDateTime']Emmons
Accept rai's answer if it is satisfactory!Emmons…Emmons
"the doc of to_datetime, however there is no reference to milliseconds" is simply incorrect, even back in 0.17 doc it said "format: strftime to parse time, eg “%d/%m/%Y”, note that “%f” will parse all the way up to nanoseconds." And pandas strftime doc page refers you to Python datetime for more details.Okubo

You can try pd.to_datetime(df['actualDateTime'], unit='ms')

says this will denote in epoch, with variations 's','ms', 'ns' ...


If you want in epoch timestamp of the form 14567899..

import pandas as pd
import time
t = pd.Timestamp('2015-10-19 07:22:00')

>> 1445219520.0

Latest update

df = pd.DataFrame(s1)
df1 = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
>>>DatetimeIndex(['2015-10-20 07:21:00', '2015-10-19 07:18:00',
           '2015-10-19 07:15:00'],
          dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)
>>>0    1445325660000000000
1    1445239080000000000
2    1445238900000000000
df1.astype(np.int64) // 10**9
>>>0    1445325660
1    1445239080
2    1445238900
Name: Date, dtype: int64
Commence answered 2/11, 2015 at 12:57 Comment(6)
If I do so, I don't see any effect. The result is still 2015-10-19 10:39:00Oocyte
is the desired o/p milliseconds since epoch, something like 146887891 ?Commence
Yes. But if I replicate your code like this: df['actualDateTime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['actualDateTime']) t = pd.Timestamp(df['actualDateTime']) df['actualDateTime'] = time.mktime(t.timetuple()) It says: TypeError: Cannot convert input to TimestampOocyte
See my update. I posted your code with my sample data so that you can see the error.Oocyte
import numpy; and also no need for DatetimeIndex; statements 1, 2 and 5 are enoughCommence
The last 3rd update is plainly wrong: df1.astype('u8') converts into nanoseconds, and dividing it further by 1e9 makes it seconds, not milliseconds (that would be 1e6). Anyhow, @mike-müller's reply is succinct and correct.Alkane

Timestamps in pandas are always in nanoseconds.

This gives you milliseconds since the epoch (1970-01-01):

df['actualDateTime'] = df['actualDateTime'].astype(np.int64) / int(1e6)
Tampa answered 2/11, 2015 at 13:9 Comment(4)
TypeError: cannot astype a datetimelike from [datetime64[ns]] to [int32]Oocyte
@KlausosKlausos This is a Windows (or 32bit OS) problem. Updated to int64.Pryer
NameError: name 'np' is not definedPilsen
import numpy as npPryer

This will return milliseconds from epoch

timestamp_object.timestamp() * 1000

Abeyta answered 9/11, 2019 at 0:50 Comment(1)

pandas.to_datetime is to convert string or few other datatype to pandas datetime[ns]

In your instance initial 'actualDateTime' is not having milliseconds.So, if you are parsing a column which has milliseconds you will get data.

for example,

                         a  b
0  2015-11-02 18:04:32.926  0
1  2015-11-02 18:04:32.928  1
2  2015-11-02 18:04:32.927  2

0    2015-11-02 18:04:32.926
1    2015-11-02 18:04:32.928
2    2015-11-02 18:04:32.927
Name: a, dtype: object

df.a = pd.to_datetime(df.a)

0   2015-11-02 18:04:32.926
1   2015-11-02 18:04:32.928
2   2015-11-02 18:04:32.927
Name: a, dtype: datetime64[ns]

0    0
1    0
2    0
dtype: int64

0    926000
1    928000
2    927000
dtype: int64
Emmons answered 2/11, 2015 at 12:55 Comment(9)
Yes I don't have milliseconds. However I thought it's possible to make such conversion. Well, to get seconds, should I use df.a.dt.second? I've tried it, but it does not seem to be working.Oocyte
you mean you want milliseconds not microseconds ?Emmons
Right, I need milliseconds. Also, I have 2015-11-02 18:04, not 015-11-02 18:04:32.926Oocyte
If that solved your problem accept @Emmons 's answer.Ptisan
It did not solve the problem. If I run df['actualDateTime'].dt.microsecond, I get 0 in all records.Oocyte
So, what you are expecting to come?Emmons
I expect to get something similar to what got in the last lines of your example, i.e. 926000. So, the only thing I need is to get a single timestamp instead of a datetime. I will later use these timestaps for Clustering analysis, where I need all variables to be numeric.Oocyte
so you mean conversion of (year,month,day,hr,min,sec) to milliseconds?Emmons
Exactly. This is what I mean. The solution of @rai seems to be correct, but it provides an error: TypeError: Cannot convert input to TimestampOocyte

For what it's worth, to convert a single Pandas timestamp object to milliseconds, I had to do:

import time
Repulsion answered 11/10, 2019 at 14:30 Comment(0)

For python >= 3.8, for e.g.

pd.DataFrame({'temp':[1,2,3]}, index = [pd.Timestamp.utcnow()]*3)

enter image description here

convert to milliseconds:

times = df.index.view(np.int64) // int(1e6)



Note: to convert to seconds, similarly e.g.:

times = df.index.view(np.int64) // int(1e9)
Radioactivate answered 28/10, 2022 at 2:52 Comment(0)
from datetime import datetime

print datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3]

>>>> OUTPUT >>>>
2015-11-02 18:04:32.926
Ptisan answered 2/11, 2015 at 12:34 Comment(5)
It says: strftime() argument 1 must be string or read-only buffer, not SeriesOocyte
I posted sample data.Oocyte
I also tried thisdf['actualDateTime'] = (df['actualDateTime']-datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds() But it says that 'Series' object has no attribute 'total_seconds'Oocyte
your values of datetime data are stored in df variable.Ptisan
Please consider editing your post to add more explanation about what your code does and why it will solve the problem. An answer that mostly just contains code (even if it's working) usually wont help the OP to understand their problem.Jeanajeanbaptiste

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