I have a dynamic query that returns around 590,000 records. It runs successfully the first time, but if I run it again, I keep getting a System.OutOfMemoryException
. What are some reasons this could be happening?
The error is happening here:
public static DataSet GetDataSet(string databaseName,string
storedProcedureName,params object[] parameters)
//Creates blank dataset
DataSet ds = null;
//Creates database
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(databaseName);
//Creates command to execute
DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(storedProcedureName);
dbCommand.CommandTimeout = COMMAND_TIMEOUT;
//Returns the list of SQL parameters associated with that stored proecdure
int i = 1;
//Loop through the list of parameters and set the values
foreach (object parameter in parameters)
dbCommand.Parameters[i++].Value = parameter;
//Retrieve dataset and set to ds
ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(dbCommand);
//Check for exceptions
catch (SqlException sqle)
throw sqle;
catch (Exception e)
throw e; // Error is thrown here.
//Returns dataset
return ds;
Here is the code the runs on the button click:
protected void btnSearchSBIDatabase_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
LicenseSearch ls = new LicenseSearch();
DataTable dtSearchResults = new DataTable();
dtSearchResults = ls.Search();
Session["dtSearchResults"] = dtSearchResults;
lblResults.Visible = true;
throw e;
, callthrow;
as otherwise your stack trace will say that thecatch
handler generated the exception, when actually it is the containing code. – Crossbeam