I made a program which convert infix to postfix in python. The problem is when I introduce the arguments. If i introduce something like this: (this will be a string)
( ( 73 + ( ( 34 - 72 ) / ( 33 - 3 ) ) ) + ( 56 + ( 95 - 28 ) ) )
it will split it with .split() and the program will work correctly. But I want the user to be able to introduce something like this:
((73 + ( (34- 72 ) / ( 33 -3) )) + (56 +(95 - 28) ) )
As you can see I want that the blank spaces can be trivial but the program continue splitting the string by parentheses, integers (not digits) and operands.
I try to solve it with a for
but I don't know how to catch the whole number (73 , 34 ,72) instead one digit by digit (7, 3 , 3 , 4 , 7 , 2)
To sum up, what I want is split a string like ((81 * 6) /42+ (3-1))
[(, (, 81, *, 6, ), /, 42, +, (, 3, -, 1, ), )]
's parsing – Mitman