i discovered an easy way to accomplish this task. The reference link is: Clique Here
You can use prototype or not, in my case, i do nott used.
For the documentation, you should use:
ds.autoupdate (models, function (error) {
if (!error) {
console.log( "Updated models.");
console.log( "An error has occurred:" + error);
var path = require ( 'path');
var app = require (path.resolve (__ dirname, '../server/server'));
var ds = app.datasources.x;
and x is datasource attribute name, example of /server/datasources.json:
"x": {
"Host": "localhost"
"Port": 3306,
"Database", "loopapp"
"Password": "",
"Name": "x"
"User", "root"
"Connector": "mysql"
Note (1): Models can be the string model name or the array of string (models names).
Note (2): If you prefer not to put models, all models of the file whose base attribute equals "PersistedModel", will be updated.
With that, i used like this:
autoupdate function () {
ds.autoupdate (function (error) {
if (!error) {
console.log( "Updated all models");
}else {
console.log( "An error has occurred:" + error);
and i called the: autoupdate();
You can put this code in a file.js and call the command line: node file.js.
If you want this file to be called every time you start the program, put it on /server/boot/file.js path.
Obviously, if you want to use automigrate, only replace the autoupdate word in the code above, by automigrate.