I am trying to develop a javafx webview browser. I have a website developed in PHP that I need to display through the javafx web browser. Popups browser window is generated using javascript window.load() function, and the content of pdf is is in base64 format.
Following is the javascript code showing popup
window.open("data:application/pdf;base64, " + <BASE64_STRING>,"_blank","menubar=no,location=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,width=600,height=700");
I stuck displaying pdf files on browser popup. When I am running the same website in chrome or safari it works fine showing popup with pdf or doc files. Since javafx don't have pdf support by deafult I may need some third party libraries or some other techniques. I still badly consuming 2 days for finding the solution. Can anyone help me in this case please? Thank you very much in advance.!