I'm running Cypress in a Docker container in Jenkins.
This is my Dockerfile:
#Base image taken from:https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress-docker-images
FROM cypress/browsers:node14.17.0-chrome91-ff89
#Create the folder where our project will be stored
RUN mkdir /my-cypress-project
#We make it our workdirectory
WORKDIR /my-cypress-project
#Let's copy the essential files that we MUST use to run our scripts.
COPY ./package.json .
COPY ./cypress/tsconfig.json .
COPY ./cypress.config.ts .
COPY ./cypress ./cypress
RUN pwd
RUN ls
#Install the cypress dependencies in the work directory
RUN npm install
RUN npm audit fix
RUN npx cypress verify
RUN apt-get install -y xvfb
RUN google-chrome --disable-gpu --no-sandbox --headless
#Executable commands the container will use[Exec Form]
ENTRYPOINT ["npx","cypress","run"]
#With CMD in this case, we can specify more parameters to the last entrypoint.
CMD [""]
I'm building it like this:
docker build -t my-cypress-image:1.1.0 .
and running like this:
docker run -v '$PWD':/my-cypress-project -t my-cypress-image:1.1.0 --spec cypress/e2e/pom/homeSauce.spec.js --headless --browser chrome --config-file=/my-cypress-project/cypress.config.ts
and I get this error in the console:
libva error: va_getDriverName() failed with unknown libva error,driver_name=(null)
[218:0822/100658.356057:ERROR:gpu_memory_buffer_support_x11.cc(44)] dri3 extension not supported.
Could not find a Cypress configuration file.
We looked but did not find a cypress.config.ts file in this folder: /my-cypress-project
Now as far as I know, this is due to the browser running with GPU acceleration... how do I disable that?
I tried pasting this in my index.js file:
// cypress/plugins/index.js
module.exports = (on, config) => {
on('before:browser:launch', (browser = {}, launchOptions) => {
if (browser.name == 'chrome') {
return launchOptions
but I still get the exact same error...
Any help would be appreciated! Cheers