As Nick posted, according to docs:
the whitespace will be ignored if the field type is integer, but not
if it is text.
The composite output routine will put double quotes around field
values if they are empty strings or contain parentheses, commas,
double quotes, backslashes, or white space.
Double quotes and backslashes embedded in field values will be
and now quoting Nick himself:
nested elements are converted to strings, and then quoted / escaped
like any other string
I give shorted example below, comfortably compared against its nested value:
a=# create table playground (t text, ta text[],f float,fa float[]);
a=# insert into playground select 'space here',array['','bs\'],8.0,array[null,8.1];
a=# insert into playground select 'no_space',array[null,'nospace'],9.0,array[9.1,8.0];
a=# select playground,* from playground;
playground | t | ta | f | fa
("space here","{"""",""bs\\\\""}",8,"{NULL,8.1}") | space here | {"","bs\\"} | 8 | {NULL,8.1}
(no_space,"{NULL,nospace}",9,"{9.1,8}") | no_space | {NULL,nospace} | 9 | {9.1,8}
(2 rows)
If you go for deeper nested quoting, look at:
a=# select nested,* from (select playground,* from playground) nested;
nested | playground | t | ta | f | fa
("(""space here"",""{"""""""",""""bs\\\\\\\\""""}"",8,""{NULL,8.1}"")","space here","{"""",""bs\\\\""}",8,"{NULL,8.1}") | ("space here","{"""",""bs\\\\""}",8,"{NULL,8.1}") | space here | {"","bs\\"} | 8 | {NULL,8.1}
("(no_space,""{NULL,nospace}"",9,""{9.1,8}"")",no_space,"{NULL,nospace}",9,"{9.1,8}") | (no_space,"{NULL,nospace}",9,"{9.1,8}") | no_space | {NULL,nospace} | 9 | {9.1,8}
(2 rows)
As you can see, the output again follows rules the above.
This way in short answers to your questions would be:
- why array is normally presented inside double-quotes, while an empty array is suddenly an open value? (text representation of empty array does not contain comma or space or etc)
- why a single " is suddenly presented as \""? (text representation of
'one\ two'
, according to rules above is "one\\ two"
, and text representation of the last is ""one\\\\two""
and it is just what you get)
- why unicode-formatted text is changing the escaping for \? How can we tell the difference then? (According to docs,
PostgreSQL also accepts "escape" string constants, which are an
extension to the SQL standard. An escape string constant is specified
by writing the letter E (upper or lower case) just before the opening
single quote
), so it is not unicode text, but the the way you tell postgres that it should interpret escapes in text not as symbols, but as escapes. Eg E'\''
will be interpreted as '
and '\''
will make it wait for closing '
to be interpreted. In you example E'\\ text'
the text represent of it will be "\\ text"
- we add backslsh for backslash and take value in double quotes - all as described in online docs.
- the way that { and } are escaped is not always clear (I could not anwer this question, because it was not clear itself)
select row('{1,2}'::int[])
is indistinguishable fromselect row('{1,2}'::text)
). – Funchal