I have an issue when using the HybridAuth plugin. I have included the plugin as a popup in in my home page. When clicking on the login button from home page the plugin will load in colorbox.
In my server I can't use default php session save path so that I have set it as php temp path for saving session like below in index.php of my root folder.
$dir = sys_get_temp_dir();
After updating this code, the plugin is authenticating the social media that customer selecting successfully and return back to my site, but it is not passing the below condition,
$hybridauth->isConnectedWith( $_GET["connected_with"] ) // it is always return false
In second case I have updated the session save path in index.php of plugin folder also, but at at that time in the login popup instead of showing login UI it is directly showing an error page like below
"You cannot access this page directly."
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
PHP session.name diff from default PHPSESSID.
– Bestrew