My apps have a significant crash -
CALayer position contains NaN: [377.833 nan]
with the following stack -
Fatal Exception: CALayerInvalidGeometry
0 CoreFoundation 0x18283afe0 __exceptionPreprocess
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x18129c538 objc_exception_throw
2 CoreFoundation 0x18283af28 -[NSException initWithCoder:]
3 QuartzCore 0x185b50acc CA::Layer::set_position(CA::Vec2<double> const&, bool)
4 QuartzCore 0x185b50c48 -[CALayer setPosition:]
5 QuartzCore 0x185b51198 -[CALayer setFrame:]
6 UIKit 0x1889657a8 -[UIView(Geometry) setFrame:]
7 UIKit 0x188979364 -[UIImageView _setViewGeometry:forMetric:]
8 UIKit 0x1889c6c38 -[UIScrollView _adjustScrollerIndicators:alwaysShowingThem:]
9 UIKit 0x188abfb34 -[UIScrollView(UIScrollViewInternal) _adjustForAutomaticKeyboardInfo:animated:lastAdjustment:]
10 WebKit 0x18c14af3c -[WKWebView _keyboardChangedWithInfo:adjustScrollView:]
12 CoreFoundation 0x1827d4d08 _CFXRegistrationPost
13 CoreFoundation 0x1827d4a84 ___CFXNotificationPost_block_invoke
14 CoreFoundation 0x1828437a8 -[_CFXNotificationRegistrar find:object:observer:enumerator:]
15 CoreFoundation 0x18271895c _CFXNotificationPost
16 Foundation 0x18322a930 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:]
17 UIKit 0x1893500e4 -[UIInputWindowController postStartNotifications:withInfo:]
18 UIKit 0x189352350 __77-[UIInputWindowController moveFromPlacement:toPlacement:starting:completion:]_block_invoke.907
19 UIKit 0x188a383cc -[UIInputViewAnimationStyle launchAnimation:afterStarted:completion:forHost:fromCurrentPosition:]
20 UIKit 0x189351dc8 -[UIInputWindowController moveFromPlacement:toPlacement:starting:completion:]
21 UIKit 0x1893588b0 -[UIInputWindowController setInputViewSet:]
22 UIKit 0x189351494 -[UIInputWindowController performOperations:withAnimationStyle:]
23 UIKit 0x188a30d94 -[UIPeripheralHost(UIKitInternal) setInputViews:animationStyle:]
24 UIKit 0x1890f7160 -[_UIRemoteKeyboards keyboardChanged:shouldConsiderSnapshottingKeyboard:isLocalEvent:]
25 UIKit 0x1890f6e8c __37-[_UIRemoteKeyboards
Looking at the logs of the users I found few common things -
- All of the users are in a view controller that contains a WKWebView
- All the logs point that the app got "applicationWillResignActive" before the crash
- The stack shows that a keyboard was opened, but we do not have away to open the keyboard on that View Controller
- all users are iOS 10.3 +
The only scenario that fit was that a user got an iMessage while the app was with a visible WKWebView and force touched it to a quick answer. We tested this scenario and BOOOM the app crashed.
So we found the crash, but we do not have a clue what is going on. Any one faced that issue or has an idea what could it be?
[CALayer setPosition:]
and print out the position being set by doingpo NSStringFromCGPoint(position)
. Also set a symbolic breakpoint on[UIView setFrame:]
right before it happens. Again, print the frame. See what is being set. See if the frame of your webview is valid or not. Check your constraints, etc.. – Dendrite