I am reading from a data file that has 8 precision, then after interpolating some values I am saving them like where the float_format option is not working,
df.to_csv('data.dat',sep=' ', index=False, header=False, float_format="%.8f")
and the result file looks like
0.02506602 0.05754493 0.36854688
0.02461631 0.0599653 0.43078098
0.02502534 0.06209149 0.44955311
0.4267356675182389 0.1718682822340447 0.5391386354945895
0.426701667727433 0.17191008887193007 0.5391897818631616
0.4266676661681287 0.17195189807522643 0.5392409104354972
The first 3 lines were in data file and next 3 are the new interpolated values. I want all the values to be of same length. Whats going wrong here and how do I fix it?
Also: It would be nice if I can control the float precision differently for different columns.
that messed up everything – Peugia