My component has two similar forms (two forms with username/password fields), and two Submit
buttons with the text 'Submit'. In order to test the submit handler, I'm mocking the type event for the form fields and then the clicking of the submit button like the following:
it('test submit handler', async () => {
const myProvider = ({children}) => <Provider store={store}>{children}</Provider>;
render(<MyComponent />, {wrapper: myProvider});
expect(await screen.findByText('username')).toBeTruthy();
expect(await screen.findByText('password')).toBeTruthy();
await userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText('username'), 'someusername');
await userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText('password'), 'somepassword');'Submit'));
await waitFor(() => expect(onSubmit).toBeCalledTimes(1));
Doing this results in the error TestingLibraryElementError: Found multiple elements with the text: Submit
. I looked up the docs for the getBy*
methods and looks like they account for either the first element found or in case there's multiple, they throw an error, which is what's happening here. These two forms have different handler functions and I'd like to test that the two functions are being called on submit. What would be a good way to get access to the first occurrence of this Submit
I tried replacing the getByText
with findByText
but that results in returning a Promise { <pending> }
, awaiting which results in the same TestingLibraryElementError
error mentioned above.'Submit')[0])
– Migdaliamigeon