This is the code for getting speed of your internet while connected to wifi.
WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager)
List<ScanResult> wifiList = wifiManager.getScanResults();
for (ScanResult scanResult : wifiList) {
int level = WifiManager.calculateSignalLevel(scanResult.level, 5);
String net=String.valueOf(level);
// Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this,net,Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
// Level of current rssi is the value of internet speed whose value
// can be -50,-60 and some others,you can find the speed values easily on internet.
int rssi = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo().getRssi();
int level = WifiManager.calculateSignalLevel(rssi, 5);
String net=String.valueOf(rssi);
// -100 is the minimum speed value of your internet.
if(rssi < -100) {
50kbps - 150 kbps
link1 ,150kbps - 500kbps
link2 and>500kbps
link3. so How to achieve that? – Arette