I'm a MAC user and installed docker inside a VM "ubuntu 14.04". (I installed everything manually, NOT using docker toolbox)
The problem is when I start specific container (other containers run normally), it gives me this weird error message "Couldn't find an alternative telinit implementation to spawn".
here is the Dockerfile I used to build the image:
FROM diegomarangoni/hhvm:cli
# install php composer.
# It needs git and the PHP zip extension
# zlib1g-dev is needed to compile the PHP zip extension
# openssh-client provides ssh-keyscan
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install --assume-yes --no-install-recommends curl git zlib1g-dev openssh-client \
&& apt-get clean && rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
&& curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer -o installer \
&& hhvm -v ResourceLimit.SocketDefaultTimeout=30 -v Http.SlowQueryThreshold=30000 installer \
&& mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer \
&& rm installer
WORKDIR /home/assert/scripts
COPY scripts/composer.json /home/assert/
COPY scripts /home/assert/scripts
RUN hhvm -v ResourceLimit.SocketDefaultTimeout=30 -v Http.SlowQueryThreshold=30000 -v Eval.Jit=false \
/usr/local/bin/composer install
# Run the assert container web server
CMD ["hhvm", "-v", "Eval.Jit=false", "/home/assert/scripts/vendor/bin/phpunit", "/home/assert/scripts/tests", "--configuration", "/home/assert/scripts/tests/phpunit.xml"]
# keep it running
CMD /sbin/init
and I start it using command:
docker run <CONTAINER>
Thanks in advance,
docker run -ti -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro [myimage] /bin/bash
, I getCannot find cgroup mount point: Operation not permitted Failed to allocate manager object: Operation not permitted
– Meimeibers