So I invested some time and this what I've found
1/ You should have your custom search engine
2/ Configure it to search all webs
3/ Make query to that engine following the document
Spelling / Did you mean repairs if possible can be found in "spelling" section. (Irrelevant sections removed) . Fox ex: I searched for "devart" here
"kind": "customsearch#search",
"url": {
"queries": {
"request": [
"context": {
"searchInformation": {
"spelling": {
"correctedQuery": "deviantart",
"htmlCorrectedQuery": "<b><i>deviantart</i></b>"
"items": [
I had the same question and its downvoted also while they are allowing these questions on the site. You may want to read about the auto-complete apis here
Google Search autocomplete API?