Strictly talking about the Webpack -
Webpack is just a module bundler and not a javascript loader.Since it packages files only from the local storage and doesn't load the files from the web(except its own chunks).ALthough other modules may be included into the webpack which may do the same process.
I will demonstrate only some of the modules which you can try,as there are many such defined on the web.
Therefore a better way to lazy load the cdn from the another domain would be using the javascript loader - script.js
It can be loaded in the following way -
var $script = require("script.js");
$script = (" or",function(){
//.... is ready now
This is possible because the script-loader just evaluates the javascript in the global context.
References here
Concerning about the issue of lazy loading the cdn into the angular app
The following library Lab JS is made specifically for this purpose.
It becomes very simple to load and bloack the javascript using this library.
Here is an example to demonstrate
<script src="LAB.js"></script>
You can use the require.js
Here is an example to load the jquery
paths: {
"jquery": ""
waitSeconds: 40
You should also consider the following paragraph from this article.
Loading third party scripts async is key for having high performance web pages, but those scripts still block onload. Take the time to analyze your web performance data and understand if and how those not-so-important content/widgets/ads/tracking codes impact page load times.