How can I pass a File
to be read within the WebAssembly memory context?
Reading a file in the browser with JavaScript is easy:
<input class="file-selector" type="file" id="files" name="files[]" />
I was able to bootstrap WebAssembly code written in Rust with the crate stdweb, add an event listener to the DOM element and fire up a FileReader
let reader = FileReader::new();
let file_input_element: InputElement = document().query_selector(".file-selector").unwrap().unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
file_input_element.add_event_listener(enclose!( (reader, file_input_element) move |event: InputEvent| {
// mystery part
In JavaScript, I would get the file from the element and pass it to the reader, however, the API of stdweb needs the following signature:
pub fn read_as_array_buffer<T: IBlob>(&self, blob: &T) -> Result<(), TODO>
I have no idea how to implement IBlob
and I am sure that I am missing something obvious either with the stdweb API or in my understanding of WebAssembly/Rust. I was hoping that there is something less verbose than converting stuff to UTF-8.
now.… – Laveen