I now came across I now came across https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/sbh15dya.aspx which clearly states that generics when using reference types are reusing the same code, thus I would accept that as the definitive authority.
I am seeing here two disagreeing answers, and both have references to their side, so I will try to add my two cents.
First, Clr via C# by Jeffrey Richter published by Microsoft Press is as valid as an msdn blog, especially as the blog is already outdated, (for more books from him take a look at http://www.amazon.com/Jeffrey-Richter/e/B000APH134 one must agree that he is an expert on windows and .net).
Now let me do my own analysis.
Clearly two generic types that contain different reference type arguments cannot share the same code
For example, List<TypeA> and List<TypeB>> cannot share the same code, as this would cause the ability to add an object of TypeA to List<TypeB> via reflection, and the clr is strongly typed on genetics as well, (unlike Java in which only the compiler validates generic, but the underlying JVM has no clue about them).
And this does not apply only to types, but to methods as well, since for example a generic method of type T can create an object of type T (for example nothing prevents it from creating a new List<T>), in which case reusing the same code would cause havoc.
Furthermore the GetType method is not overridable, and it in fact always return the correct generic type, prooving that each type argument has indeed its own code.
(This point is even more important than it looks, as the clr and jit work based on the type object created for that object, by using GetType () which simply means that for each type argument there must be a separate object even for reference types)
Another issue that would result from code reuse, as the is and as operators will no longer work correctly, and in general all types of casting will have serious problems.
I have tested it by having a generic type that contaied a static member, and than created two object with different type parameters, and the static fields were clrearly not shared, clearly prooving that code is not shared even for reference types.
See http://blogs.msdn.com/b/csharpfaq/archive/2004/03/12/how-do-c-generics-compare-to-c-templates.aspx on how it is implemented:
Space Use
The use of space is different between C++ and C#. Because C++
templates are done at compile time, each use of a different type in a
template results in a separate chunk of code being created by the
In the C# world, it's somewhat different. The actual implementations
using a specific type are created at runtime. When the runtime creates
a type like List, the JIT will see if that has already been
created. If it has, it merely users that code. If not, it will take
the IL that the compiler generated and do appropriate replacements
with the actual type.
That's not quite correct. There is a separate native code path for
every value type, but since reference types are all reference-sized,
they can share their implementation.
This means that the C# approach should have a smaller footprint on
disk, and in memory, so that's an advantage for generics over C++
In fact, the C++ linker implements a feature known as “template
folding“, where the linker looks for native code sections that are
identical, and if it finds them, folds them together. So it's not a
clear-cut as it would seem to be.
As one can see the CLR "can" reuse the implementation for reference types, as do current c++ compilers, however there is no guarantee on that, and for unsafe code using stackalloc and pointers it is probably not the case, and there might be other situations as well.
However what we do have to know that in CLR type system, they are treated as different types, such as different calls to static constructors, separate static fields, separate type objects, and a object of a type argument T1 should not be able to access a private field of another object with type argument T2 (although for an object of the same type it is indeed possible to access private fields from another object of the same type).