I originally posted a similar question fairly recently (thanks to OP for pointing from there back to this question).
That question was never really answered to my satisfaction, but I do have a solution to my original problem which I believe also applies to this.
My solution is not use to the delegate methods, but rather to override NSTextView
. All of the modifications are done by overriding insertText:
and replaceCharactersInRange:withString:
My insertText:
override inspects the text to be inserted, and decides whether to insert that unmodified, or do other changes before inserting it. In any case super's insertText:
is called to do the actual insertion. Additionally, my insertText:
does it's own undo grouping, basically by calling beginUndoGrouping:
before inserting text, and endUndoGrouping:
after. This sounds way too simple to work, but it appears to work great for me. The result is that you get one undo operation per character inserted (which is how many "real" text editors work - see TextMate, for example). Additionally, this makes the additional programmatic modifications atomic with the operation that triggers them. For example, if the user types {, and my insertText:
programmatically inserts }, both are included in the same undo grouping, so one undo undoes both. My insertText:
looks like this:
- (void) insertText:(id)insertString
if( insertingText ) {
[super insertText:insertString];
// We setup undo for basically every character, except for stuff we insert.
// So, start grouping.
[[self undoManager] beginUndoGrouping];
insertingText = YES;
BOOL insertedText = NO;
NSRange selection = [self selectedRange];
if( selection.length > 0 ) {
insertedText = [self didHandleInsertOfString:insertString withSelection:selection];
else {
insertedText = [self didHandleInsertOfString:insertString];
if( !insertedText ) {
[super insertText:insertString];
insertingText = NO;
// End undo grouping.
[[self undoManager] endUndoGrouping];
is an ivar I'm using to keep track of whether text is being inserted or not. didHandleInsertOfString:
and didHandleInsertOfString:withSelection:
are the functions that actually end up doing the insertText:
calls to modify stuff. They're both pretty long, but I'll include an example at the end.
I'm only overriding replaceCharactersInRange:withString:
because I sometimes use that call to do modification of text, and it bypasses undo. However, you can hook it back up to undo by calling shouldChangeTextInRange:replacementString:
. So my override does that.
// We call replaceChractersInRange all over the place, and that does an end-run
// around Undo, unless you first call shouldChangeTextInRange:withString (it does
// the Undo stuff). Rather than sprinkle those all over the place, do it once
// here.
- (void) replaceCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range withString:(NSString*)aString
if( [self shouldChangeTextInRange:range replacementString:aString] ) {
[super replaceCharactersInRange:range withString:aString];
does a whole buncha stuff, but the gist of it is that it either inserts text (via insertText:
or replaceCharactersInRange:withString:
), and returns YES if it did any insertion, or returns NO if it does no insertion. It looks something like this:
- (BOOL) didHandleInsertOfString:(NSString*)string
if( [string length] == 0 ) return NO;
unichar character = [string characterAtIndex:0];
if( character == '(' || character == '[' || character == '{' || character == '\"' )
// (, [, {, ", ` : insert that, and end character.
unichar startCharacter = character;
unichar endCharacter;
switch( startCharacter ) {
case '(': endCharacter = ')'; break;
case '[': endCharacter = ']'; break;
case '{': endCharacter = '}'; break;
case '\"': endCharacter = '\"'; break;
if( character == '\"' ) {
// Double special case for quote. If the character immediately to the right
// of the insertion point is a number, we're done. That way if you type,
// say, 27", it works as you expect.
NSRange selectionRange = [self selectedRange];
if( selectionRange.location > 0 ) {
unichar lastChar = [[self string] characterAtIndex:selectionRange.location - 1];
if( [[NSCharacterSet decimalDigitCharacterSet] characterIsMember:lastChar] ) {
return NO;
// Special case for quote, if we autoinserted that.
// Type through it and we're done.
if( lastCharacterInserted == '\"' ) {
lastCharacterInserted = 0;
lastCharacterWhichCausedInsertion = 0;
[self moveRight:nil];
return YES;
NSString* replacementString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%c%c", startCharacter, endCharacter];
[self insertText:replacementString];
[self moveLeft:nil];
// Remember the character, so if the user deletes it we remember to also delete the
// one we inserted.
lastCharacterInserted = endCharacter;
lastCharacterWhichCausedInsertion = startCharacter;
if( lastCharacterWhichCausedInsertion == '{' ) {
justInsertedBrace = YES;
return YES;
// A bunch of other cases here...
return NO;
I would point out that this code isn't battle-tested: I've not used it in a shipping app (yet). But it is a trimmed down version of code I'm currently using in a project I intend to ship later this year. So far it appears to work well.
In order to really see how this works you probably want an example project, so I've posted one on github.
, but it only has to manipulate attributes, not characters. Still, that might be another thing for you to try. – Redintegration