I want to extend the class ActiveStorage::Attachment and add an enum attribute for visibility of attachments.
My initial approach was to create a new file attachment.rb in the \app\models directory as follows.
class ActiveStorage::Attachment < ActiveRecord::Base
enum visibility: [ :privately_visible, :publicly_visible]
This doesn't work.
Any suggestions are welcome. What's the Rails way to extend classes?
I have a solution that works partially now. For this, I have created an extension active_storage_attachment_extension.rb and placed it in \lib
module ActiveStorageAttachmentExtension
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
enum visibility: [ :privately_visible, :publicly_visible]
def describe_me
puts "I am part of the extension"
The extension is loaded during initialization in extensions.rb
ActiveStorage::Attachment.send(:include, ::ActiveStorageAttachmentExtension)
Unfortunately, it is only working partly: While the enum methods publicly_visible? and privately_visible? are available in the views, they are not available in the controller. When invoking any of the methods in the controller, then the enum seems to have disappeared. I get a "NoMethodError - undefined method" error. Surprisingly, once the enum methods are called once in the controller, they are also not available any more in the views. I assume that the ActiveStorage::Attachment class gets reloaded dynamically and that the extensions are lost as they are only added during initialization.
Any ideas?
, then migrate adding the columnvisibility
table. – Wiles