I'm trying to add frame numbers to my Beamer presentation written in rmarkdown. However, I would like to suppress the numbers on the title page using the \begin{frame}[plain] option (from the second answer here: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/82794/removing-page-number-from-title-frame-without-changing-the-theme). However, when compiling from rmarkdown to tex, the \titlepage already creates a frame environment, so in effect I get a double frame and thus an error.
So when compiling this:
in_header: header.tex
I get this in latex:
In the header.tex I have this:
So my workaround now is to just use a plain \maketitle in rmarkdown, then compile to .tex, add the [plain] option, then compile to pdf. However, I would like to avoid that intermediate step. Is this possible in rmarkdown?