So I want to adjust timescale only for the player movement.
The basic integration method used is:
velocity += acceleration * deltaTime * timeScale
position += velocity * deltaTime * timeScale
For calculating the position I use:
move_and_slide(velocity * TimeScale, Vector2.UP)
delta is omitted from the arguments, because I understand it is added to the calculation automatically.
The movement doesn't work as it should:
- Downward velocity does not change from gravity being added, it is constant and too slow
- Jump barely gets off the ground
- horizontal movement is constant and slow as well
Is there something I'm doing wrong? I was hoping that move_and_slide could be used here.
The full code:
func physics_process(player, input, delta):
#apply gravity
player.velocity.y += player.moveData.GRAVITY * delta * player.TimeScale
player.velocity.y = min(player.velocity.y, 3000)
if input.x == 0:
player.velocity.x = move_toward(player.velocity.x, 0, player.moveData.FRICTION * delta * player.TimeScale)
if player.is_on_floor():
if player.velocity.x == 0:
player.AnimatedSprite.animation = "Idle"
player.AnimatedSprite.animation = "Stop"
player.velocity.x = move_toward(player.velocity.x, player.moveData.MAX_SPEED * input.x, player.moveData.ACCELERATION * delta * player.TimeScale)
player.AnimatedSprite.flip_h = input.x < 0
if player.is_on_floor():
player.AnimatedSprite.animation = "Run"
if !player.is_on_floor():
if player.nextToWall and Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_up"):
return player.States.WallJump
if player.velocity.y <= 0:
player.AnimatedSprite.animation = "Jump"
if Input.is_action_just_released("ui_up") and player.velocity.y < 0 and player.jumping:
player.jumping = false
player.velocity.y = 0
if player.velocity.y > 0:
player.AnimatedSprite.animation = "Fall"
player.velocity.y += player.moveData.ADDITIONAL_FALL_GRAVITY * delta * player.TimeScale
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_up"):
player.jumping = true
player.velocity.y = player.moveData.JUMP_FORCE
player.velocity = player.move_and_slide(player.velocity * player.TimeScale, Vector2.UP)
return null
Edit: This works fine as long as the timeScale is 1.0, any lower than that and the issues appear