Run your ant build with the verbose flag (-v). This will give you clear insight into which settings files are being used throughout the resolve process. My wager is you will find your problem fairly easily and it will be along the lines of the settings file you thought you were using is actually not being used.
In my projects, I find this type of thing often happens when a post-resolve task (such as retrieve) triggers a resolve "automatically" and uses the default ivy settings instead of the one I want it to use at the moment. Chances are, your default settings file does not contain the resolvers you're expecting.
To solve these issues, I make a ivysettings-common.xml containing only resolvers. Then, in each of my settings files, I import the common settings and reference the resolvers in the main chain. That looks like:
<settings defaultResolver="all-repositories" />
<include file="ivysettings-common.xml" />
<chain name="all-repositories" returnFirst="true" >
<resolver ref="project" />
<resolver ref="local" />
<resolver ref="hibernate" />
<resolver ref="ibibilo" />
From there, I make the common file my default settings, just "in case of emergency" I know all my resolvers can be found (by adding the following to
ivy.settings.file = ${basedir}/path/to/ivysettings-common.xml
but I explicitly point all my ivy calls to the appropriate settings file, trying to never rely on the default because the whole reason I use ivy+ant is that I prefer precise control over my build process:
I hope all that helps you or someone else.