I have this path in my urls.py:
archive_index_dict = {
'queryset': News.objects.filter(show=True),
'date_field': 'date',
'template_object_name': 'object_list',
url(r'^$', 'django.views.generic.date_based.archive_index',
archive_index_dict, name='news_archive_index'
Now I want to detect in template if a page is current (this is for menu styling). Neither {{ request.path }}
nor {{ request.get_full_path }}
work in template.
What should I use instead?
To get request
available in templates I had to add django.core.context_processors.request
. This is not set by default (since django 1.3).
context processor set up? Almost all CBV useRequestContext
by default – Ostosis'django.core.context_processors.request'
in settings andrequest
is available in templates now. BTW, you could post your comment as answer and I'd vote for it. – Deadbeat