Here's my Windows/.NET security stack:
- A Windows Service running as LocalSystem on a Windows Server 2003 box.
- A .NET 3.5 Website running on the same box, under "default" production server IIS settings (so probably as NETWORKSERVICE user?)
On my default VS2008 DEV environment I have this one method, which gets called from the ASP.NET app, which works fine:
private static void StopStartReminderService() {
ServiceController svcController = new ServiceController("eTimeSheetReminderService");
if (svcController != null) {
try {
svcController.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
} catch (Exception ex) {
When I run this on the production server, I get the following error from the ServiceController:
Source: System.ServiceProcess -> System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController -> IntPtr GetServiceHandle(Int32) -> System.InvalidOperationException Message: Cannot open eTimeSheetReminderService service on computer '.'.
Why is this happening, and how do I fix it?
The answer is below, mostly in comments, but to clarify:
- The issue was Security related, and occurred because the NETWORKSERVICE account did not have sufficient rights to Start/Stop a service
- I created a Local User Account, and added it to the PowerUsers Group (this group has almost admin rights)
- I don't want my whole Web App to impersonate that user all the time, so I impersonate only in the method where I manipulate the service. I do this by using the following resources to help me do it in code:
MS KB article and this, just to get a better understanding
NOTE: I don't impersonate via the web.config, I do it in code. See the MS KB Article above.